... and so my other announcement is this...
My original hymn collage,
This Is My Father's World, will be one of the art pieces available in the silent auction at
Mountain State Health Alliance's Spirit Gala: An Evening in Paris on January 30th at the Millennium Center in Johnson City, TN. This black-tie event is a benefit for the new
Niswonger Children's Hospital at the Johnson City Medical Center. So, if you've got lots of money and want to benefit a worthy cause (and have a chance at winning this piece!), be sure to order your tickets today!
If you can't make it to the event (or don't win the original in the auction!) , I have prints of this collage (as well as others) available on my
website! Click
here to shop!
* Incidentally, whenever I am in danger of getting my head inflated, I have something like the following incident occur...
by Beth Stone
The setting: last farmer's market in which I participated last year
The weather: miserably cold
The crowd: painfully small
Paying customers: DOA
Grand total in sales: ZIPPO
Net loss:
$5 - booth fee
$.75 - two peanut butter cookies for consolement purposes
3 extra hours of sleep on a cold Saturday
30 minutes of treadmill time due to aforementioned peanut butter cookies
1 big chunk of pride
= *sigh*
So, I am standing by my booth, stamping my feet to keep warm, waiting for customers who never came... wondering why exactly the farmer's market decided to extend WAY past the growing season when no one is thinking about shopping for local produce or art or anything else... and the following conversation happens:
Me: Hi! How are you today?
Elderly Lady - the Only Promising-looking Customer of the Day (hereafter, ELOPCD): Oh, fine, how are you? (flipping through my prints - always a good sign...)
Me: If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them for you. These are all prints of my original artwork and photography.
ELOPCD: (Pulling out a print - YES!) How much is this?
Me: That size is $25. (haha! My first sale of the day - cha-ching!)
ELOPCD: (Inspecting it over.... things are looking promising.) What size frame would this fit in? (All right, she's frame shopping already! This is a done deal!)
Me: You'll need an 11"x14" frame for that.
ELOPCD: (Pointing to the area inside the mat) What size is this part?
Me: That's 8"x10."
ELOPCD: (Pointing to the mat) What's this part called?
Me: That's called the matting.
ELOPCD: I have a picture of my son that I cut too small - I need some of this matting so that it will fit in the frame. I guess I could take this out... (Pointing to my print! OUCH!) Could I do that?
Me: (Errk. POP. Phhhhbbbbbbbbt... - that's somebody sticking a pin in my red birthday balloon, it popping, and all the air leaking out) Well....you could buy a mat by itself much cheaper at WalMart or Michael's or somewhere like that... then you wouldn't have to pay for the print you wouldn't be using...
ELOPCD: (Stuffing the print back in my rack) Oh, okay... thank you. (Walks off)
Me: * Sigh*
God has a sense of humor, doesn't He? Oddly enough, this was the same day
this incident happened, so all in all, I think the two peanut butter cookies were well-justified.