
Watercolor Wednesday

Well, this is the completed watercolor
that you got the little sneak peak of
last week...
This is Moses Parting the Red Sea;
I did this piece
for our local ballet company
who are performing the story of Exodus
this January.
Some of you have expressed interest
in seeing the steps it takes
to complete a painting...

So, here are some photos
of this painting in progress...
This is my sketch that I traced onto my watercolor paper...

Then I painted the foreground and rocks,
using salt to create texture...
Then I painted in the ground between the walls of water,
also using salt to create texture...

Then came the sky and water -- lifted clouds out with a tissue,
and created "rays" by pulling a dry tissue through wet paint...
Next came the water --
I did several layers to get the color intensity,
doing some glazes and dragging my brush to get a water effect...
Then I started working on Moses' robe -- lots of "losing the edge" in this part,
then glazing over it to achieve a uniform color...
Finally, I spent quite a while intensifying shadows,
adding local color to the sky,
Creating more depth in the water,
and finally, scratching the paper to get little sparkles and highlights...
Our fathers trusted in thee:
they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.
-Psalm 22:4-

Hope you're having a lovely week...


  1. That's really nice to see how you did that. I really love learning new things. It's beautiful, and I guessed right on what it was.

    So you are looking toward Sukkot as well? Talking to Todd tonight. We built a Sukkah last year and want to use it again. We'd love it if many did and we could all visit one another. :)


  2. Thanks, Faith... I'm glad you enjoyed my pictures! Congratulations on guessing correctly!

    We recently did a study on the Jewish Festivals... fascinating with the prophetic implications... I hadn't considered actually building a booth, but that would be pretty neat to do... We'll let you know if we decide to! I'd love to see yours...

    Have a wonderful week! God bless!

  3. Wow! That is really a beautiful art work. I have always wanted to try painting with water colors....have bought some colors, brushes and papers but have get started yet! Now that i saw your painting, its really amazing...i will start soon! :-)

    1. Thank you! I'm glad my piece has given you some inspiration. Watercolors are so much fun....Happy painting!


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