
No feeding or flushing necessary...

Well, after my brief interlude of knitting projects, I'm back to the brushes.
My latest offering...

"Koi Pond"
Watercolor on Arches 140lb CP Watercolor Paper

I will have the original available, along with prints and greeting cards at the
show in Jonesborough, TN on October 24th, 10am-5pm.
Hope to see you there! I'll be there with my little fishies!


  1. I just wrote it in my calender. :) I don't know how you can let go of the originals, I'd be too obsessive to be an artist, I think.

    Beautiful work again. Nothing surprising there! The colors are perfect.


  2. Great, Faith -- hope to see you there! It is hard to let go of originals unless I start them with the knowledge that I will be selling them (commissions, for example, murals, or the pieces I'm doing specifically for this show). But I do have some that I just have to hang onto... :o)

    Glad you like it! Thanks for visiting!


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