Please note, we have now changed the link party to Wednesdays, and, unless otherwise noted, we will be continuing on Wednesdays forever or until I change my mind again or decide I'm tired of this whole experiment, whichever comes first. Okay.
This week's assignment was: Write a poem, then share it with us. Obviously, you do not have to be a poet to participate, otherwise I certainly wouldn't be subjecting you to my attempts.... This is all in fun. So, link up your poems below let's see what you've got! And please, if you do link up, be kind and reciprocate the MASSIVE traffic you will receive from my blog (ha!) by posting the party button on your own post (you can grab the code on my sidebar). Thank you!
Before I kill your attention with my never-ending poem, I'll go ahead and give you next week's assignment....
NEXT WEEK'S ASSIGNMENT: Since next Thursday is Thanksgiving and no one will have time for blogging, then just give us a list of things for which you are thankful. I will still do the linkup party on Wednesday for anyone who remembers to participate.
And now, without further ado, my poem.... my apologies in advance for attempting to rhyme snarky with malarkey. I started out trying to write a funny poem, and it sort of morphed into a somewhat-serious poem. Please forgive the jar of transition....
A Blogger's Prayer
by Beth Stone
by Beth Stone
Shutter flying, keyboard clacking -
Blog post deadline – No more slacking!
Blog post deadline – No more slacking!
(House neglected, dirty dishes…)
Post about my Christmas wishes…?
Blogging is a vast abyss
(One which many people diss:
So many writing to so few,
Quite likely – if we only knew!)
HTML, gadgets, widgets
(Coding sends my brain to fidgets!),
Sidebars, templates, buttons, headers,
Colors and cute fonts for letters…
Looking for my "voice" and theme,
Debating – to, or not to meme?
Am I typing, like a droid
Writing to an empty void?
Checking for comments – Boo! – I've none.
Oh wait, I think I may have one!
Got some new readers – I just checked,
Hello there, Google Friend Connect!
Now it's your turn to link up!
What is it that I want to say,
To readers who will come my way,
To people who will find this space?
I may be their one brush with Grace.
Do I post the daily fluff?
Or dwell on more important stuff?
This blog's an empty slate, you see,
Its purpose is left up to me.
Anecdotes and household tips,
Photographs and movie clips,
Projects and a joke or two,
Something old or something new,
Giveaways and sales and savings,
"On-my-soapbox" rants and ravings,
Recipes and funny stories,
Paintings of blue morning glories…
So many things to blog about,
But should I really take that route
When I can make somebody see
The Truth, with one stroke of a key?
To speak the Truth's my calling plain;
My words are being read in Spain,
And all around the globe they wrap,
There are the red dots on my map.
Each dot is one soul, I know well,
That's bound for God or bound for hell.
Their life's end may be decided
By the Truth that I've provided
If I've been faithful to the call
To share the Truth of Christ with all
Who come across this path of mine,
Some face-to-face, and, some, online.
So speak the Truth, with love and grace
Strive faithfully to run the race,
Shun temptations to be snarky
To a world that's run malarkey.
Be a candle brightly burning,
Before people lost and yearning
For the Truth in the dark night -
Guide them quickly to the Light!
LORD, take this blog, and all I do -
Here let them see, not me, but You.
Interesting poem - both the first half (made me laugh) and the last (good reminder). And not to worry, I tried to rhyme "yard" and "bard" - I'm NOT a poet AND I know it! ;-)