
Going green...

...but probably not in the way you're thinking. I'm not replacing all my incandescent bulbs with those compact fluorescent monstrosities or buying carbon offsets or whatever.


Just welcoming a little hint of spring green in...


....and basking in the sunshine when I can...


...and dreaming of spring and gardens and flowers and warmth...


...while getting geared up for St. Paddy's (which is kind of a big deal around our house).


Even my prim and proper black and white shelves decided to get their green on...


...and my shamrocks, which had been looking a little sad over the winter, are making a comeback... just in time!


And to celebrate all of this glorious greenness, I made another green wool buttercup bag....


...that has a detachable green posy pin that can be worn as a brooch....

...and a green swirly lining with lots of green pockets...


...but it's already promised to someone, so it won't be making an appearance in my Etsy shop.

I will be shipping it out of Greeneville to its new owner soon...

If you are feeling a little GREEN with envy, you can visit my Etsy shop, where you can order your own custom buttercup bag. I am an authorized seller of this fantastic design by Made by Rae.
Are you going green too??? ;o)



  1. Wow, you are creative! Have I said that before? The new header is very pretty. Love the spinning lady.

  2. Thanks, Jodi! The spinning lady is part of my Proverbs 31 Woman series... you can read more about it by clicking the link in my sidebar! :o) Thanks for visiting!

  3. Your photos are captivating! Id love frame the shamrocks pic (for the O'Dell-born lady)! And I can't believe how beautiful *my* purse is! You always go above and beyone! Blessings!


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