
New Items for the Etsy Shop

Well, after my experiments the other day,
I went to the craft store and have been working on the following.....

I made necklaces...

"Be Thou My Vision" Necklace

"It Is Well" Necklace

"This Is My Father's World" Necklace

"Poppies" Necklace

"Sparrow's Nest" Necklace

"The King of Love My Shepherd Is" Necklace

...and brooches...

"Deliver Us" Brooch

"Autumn Road" Brooch

"Abandoned Nest" Brooch

"It Is Well" Brooch

"Koi Pond" Brooch

"This Is My Father's World" Brooch

"Sparrow's Nest" Brooch

"The King of Love My Shepherd Is" Brooch

"Poppies" Brooch

"Wisteria" Brooch

You can see and shop for these pieces (and a few more!) in my Etsy Shop!
Each one is a one-of-a-kind, so be sure to stop by soon!

In other news, my artwork was featured on my friend's blog, Carrie's Busy Nothings.
You can read the post (and see an embarrasing picture of the two of us) HERE. Thanks, Carrie!

I hope you're having a lovely week...

P.S. These have been selling pretty quickly! If you like a certain painting or collage and would like to see it as a piece of jewelry, please e-mail me! I am happy to take requests and list them as "Reserved" on Etsy! Thanks!


  1. I think that if they get exposure, they are going to sell well.

    Nicely done, Beth! :o)


  2. Beth,
    Would it be possible to do the Deliver Us in a necklace? Hope danced in the ballet, and I think she would love to have that as a necklace. I would love to purchase that as a gift for her. Let me know!
    grace and peace,


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