
Something changed..... something changed!?!?!

That title might only make sense if you've ever watched the Brian Regan bit about moving sidewalks in airports (it's near the end of the clip in the link).... anyway... ONWARD - through the fog!

Just wanted to let you all know that my Etsy Shop will be closed over the weekend while I participate in a local art show. But don't fret - I'll be back open for business on either Monday or Tuesday of next week. So be sure to stop back by then.... never too early to start Christmas shopping! :o)

If you'd like to come see me and do a little shopping in person at the show,
shoot me an e-mail, and I'll give you the details....

There will be a lot of other wonderful artists there too... including my good friend, Ginny Wall.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Hahahahaha we LOVE Brian Regan!! Have tickets to see him live here in Reno in just a few weeks, as a matter of fact!! =D Fun to learn you must be a fan as well!


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